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Chapter One

The stories of how we meet the person that we just click with are all different. Mine happens to have taken three years, a lot of miscommunication, and a wedding to all come together. This is just to say that we all have our own journey and our own adventures along the way. I don't intend for this to necessarily be about my dating life as far as feelings or really personal things go (I mean, who knows?) but instead think of it as more of a way to review different dates and the pros and cons of these choices. I'm lucky enough to be dating someone absolutely incredible that thinks outside of the box and wants to make each date unique and an adventure... so this is my way of reviewing and remembering all of the little things and how they all came together. If anyone reads this, let it serve as an inspiration for ideas or just as a collection of funny and interesting stories... it's near the beginning, but I think this is going to be an interesting ride. I guess that's what

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